Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I think you should read the book before I quote the whole thing. ;)

"'Can I ask, why didn't you tell me about Missy earlier like last night, or a year ago, or...?'
'Don't think we didn't try. Have you noticed that in your pain you assume the worst of me? I've been talking to you for a long time, but today was the first time you could hear it, and all those other times weren't a waste, either. Like little cracks in the wall, one at a time, but woven together they prepared you for today. You have to take the time to prepare the soil if you want it to embrace the seed.'
'I'm not sure why we resist it, resist you so much,' Mack mused. 'It seems kind of stupid now.'
'It's all part of the timing of grace, Mack. If the universe contained only one human being, timing would be rather simple. But add just one more, and, well, you know the story. Each choice ripples out through time and relationships, bouncing off of other choices. And out of what seems to be a huge mess, Papa weaves a magnificent tapestry. Only Papa can work all this out, and she does it with grace.'
'So I guess all I can do is follow her,' Mack concluded. "

aah, and there is so much more goood stuff, like how the pearly gates represent Jesus because the pearls are the "only precious stone made by pain, suffering and - finally - death." You know how Heaven isn't going to be gold and pearly gates exactly because we're going to get a new talks about that. :) And how the Church is Jesus' wife and stuff.

Mack talking about American churches...
'You're talking about the church as the woman, you're in love with; I'm pretty sure I haven't met her.' He turned away slightly, 'She's not the place I go on Sundays,' Mack said more to himself, unsure if that was safe to say outloud.
''Mack, that's because you're only seeing the institution, a man-made system. That's not what I came to build. What I see are people and their lives, a living breathing community of all those who love me, not buildings and programs."
"So how do I become part of that church? This woman you seem to be so gaga over.'
'It's simple Mack. It's all about relationships and simply sharing life. What we are doing right now - just doing this - and being open and available to others around us. My church is all about people and life is all about relationships. You can't build it. It's my job and I'm actually pretty good at it."

after some talk about religion, politics, and economics...
'Put simply, these terrors are tools that many use to prop up their illusions of security and control. People are afraid of uncertainty, afraid of the future. These institutions, these structures and ideologies, are all a vain effort to create some sense of certanity and security where there isn't any. It's all false! Systems cannot provide you security, only I can.'
'If you try to live without me, without the ongoing dialogue of us sharing this journey together, it will be like trying to walk on the water by yourself. You can't! And when you try, however well-intentioned, you're going to sink. Have you ever tried to save someone who was drowning?'...
"It's extremely hard to rescue someone unless they are willing to trust you.'
'Yes, it sure is.'
'That's all I ask of you. When you start to sink, let me rescue you.'
'I dont' know how to change it all.'
'No one is asking you! ...The whole thing is a process, not an event. All I want from you is to trust me with what little you can, and grow in loving people around you with the same love I share with you. It's not your job to change them, or to convince them...'
'Is that what it means to be a Christian?'
'Who said anything about being a Christian? I'm not a Christian'
The idea struck Mack as odd and unexpected and he couldn't keep himself from grinning. 'No, I suppose you aren't.'
..."Those who love me come from every system that exists. They were Buddhists or Mormons, Baptists or Muslims, Democrats, Republicans and many who don't vote or are not part of any Sunday morning or religious institutions. I have followers who were murderers and many who were self-righteous. Some are bankers and bookies, Americans and Iraqis, Jews and Palestinians. I have no desire to make them Christian, but I do want to join them in their transformation into sons and daughters of my Papa, into my brothers and sisters, into my Beloved.'
'Does that mean,' asked Mack, 'that all roads will lead to you?'
'Not at all... What it does mean is that I will travel any road to find you.'


1 comment:

Amanda said...

"I've been talking to you for a long time, but today was the first time you could hear it, and all those other times weren't a waste, either. Like little cracks in the wall, one at a time, but woven together they prepared you for today. You have to take the time to prepare the soil if you want it to embrace the seed.."

That part! :D