Monday, September 1, 2008

Never going back to ok.

I'm sorry if I've ever been a type of friend that wears a construction hat (I've never looked good in hats anyways) and directed you to go around the cross because I'm afraid that it may hurt your feelings or that it can be shown in a prettier way. To be real, and to be open enough to change requires being real with each other and to challenge each other to be better than who we are by ourselves. Christ is the only one that can make me a better person, the fact of me living completely in Him. Meaning I can't stay in who I am. I can't stay in a box of consistancy, because then I don't lean and rely on Him. People are scared to go to school, to face everyone, to not have the people from church to be there. I understand that perfectly, and yet I'm stoked for that perfectly. It means I will have to directly and only rely on God. I won't be able to use my friends for crutches anymore. They are not, in definition, my way to God. We do need our friends to hold each other accountable and you better believe I'm going to need them to do it. Church does not defne my relationship with God either. If it did, I should be right on track. I'm tired of asking questions like, "How is your relationship with God going?" and getting back, "Great! I feel so good about church!" The church is the body of believers, the bride of our Groom Jesus, not our way to God. If I am a good friend to you, I will keep you accountable, I will say things that I know I need to say even if they may hurt your feelings, I will stop and pray WITH you and not just say I will pray for you, because I will be honest, half the time I forget to do that. I want to be a better friend to you.

"The preaching of the gospel awakens an intense resentment because it is designed to reveal my unholiness, but it also awakens an intense yearning and desire within me." - Oswald Chambers

The fact that you may bring my imperfections out to me will hurt me indeed, but I will want to hear them because I want to always be willing to change. I want to take what everyone tells me, not people that are just mean, but the ones that I look up to as Soldiers in Christ, and be willing to change my own selfish pride and my own flesh so I can become everything Christ is and let go of everything I am.

If that makes sense, sweet. :)

1 comment:

Kristina Weeks said...

girl I get it!!! I love this post because it mirrors what I think almost perfectly. God is all I want to rely on because people will always let me down. And I yearn to be honest with people of the love of Christ. And I want people to be honest with me always as well, even if it hurts. Can't wait to see you this weekend! Love you! Glad we're ok the same page!