Saturday, December 6, 2008

good songs..


Isn't it weird how you sometimes get stuck in this rut that you've made for yourself and you don't understand why you keep feeling so torn and why it's not making sense? And then it hits you like a ton of bricks! You forget the one who is holding you! You forget the promises that He has whispered in your heart and the truth in those promises. Ah, I feel like I was slapped in the face. I realized that I was setting myself up for it. You put things in your mind that cause you to falter without letting their true character known. You desensitize yourself to what it's doing to you because it's not so bad. But ah, duuhhh! lol, I'm not making any sense though I care not to spell it out, lol. But it's like this huge weight has been lifted from my heart because I stopped and listened. But then, even after I know, it's hard. Can he have it back?

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