Sunday, March 15, 2009

Coming to a conclusion, that I just don't know.

Hello, Honor Academy. Thanks for swinging open, everything else has. What's up with Texas and Jesus? Haha, The Honor Academy, YWAM, and The Forge.


I have many thoughts, none involving black and white. But I've been thinking a lot on social norms (what's expected and accepted by a society/group of people), and how they shape us as Christians even if we don't think they have. We pride ourselves on doing things differently, even though most of the time we really don't.

Think about it. The Bible says we are to live differently, to stand out to others that aren't - really stand out, like I mean alien stand out. But do we? Do we really, in every aspect of our lives? Do we remain pure in every area, or if someone walks by us or if they were a fly on the wall do they see what they see everywhere else? What, seriously sets us apart? *Now, I am not talking about what sets us apart, as in Christ, I know that full well. :) But I'm talking about how we are set apart, as in how we live. What, about how we live, sets us apart?

And here's something else to ponder. Satan is so clever, yet his tactics are old - they just work because we're too busy thinking what we're doing is superior to others. He makes us think what we're doing is alright, because it makes us happy, or because it's just how everyone else goes about it. And, likewise, he makes it seem alright to talk about people, because of what they did, but is it? A conviction I've come into contact with more than once. What sets us apart from others there? And what if, those people who we need to be witnessing to are there in the midst? Our whole chance is ruined, due to our superiority.

He uses tactics to tear us apart. Dishonesty is a huge one. He is like a lion, Martha talked on this last Sunday night. Lions, by nature, will go after a herd of animals until he gets one or two to run off dispersed. Oh, he thinks he's clever, but I guess he kind of is, when dealing with us, ha. It's horrid to take a step back and rewind to watch how he works. Once it's come, it's important to be open to what caused the fall.

But alas, it's amazing to step back and see how God works everything for the good of those that love him (Romans 8:28 :)) regardless of our mishaps as good ol' humans. ;) lol.

I'm observing a lot more. Like I said, nothing is black and white, but that doesn't mean nothing is wrong and everything is right. Everyone has sides so be careful about what you hear. But take the "criticism" that people give you - you may, after contemplating it, decide to throw it away, but be open about it. If you are sure of where you stand, that won't bother you. Does it bother you? If so, why?

Satan is partial; he wouldn't, even if he could, give us the whole picture.

I'm embracing today, but I'm ready for my future, whatever God has in store. I'm ready for change.

1 comment:

Kristina Weeks said...

i like this. it's good and it's true. you know, i appreciate the fact that you choose to share your thoughts, because they are well worth reading.