Thursday, June 18, 2009

I'm overflowing!

I just don't think I can express enough how God is working in my life! Like, I really don't think I can! Just sooo much is going on and I'm learning more and more that He will meet all of my needs. I'm growing so close to Him because I have to trust Him so much more. I'm THIRSTING for His Word! I'm seeing how I, little ol' me, could be used for Him, and how my situations are being used to work on others! I can scarcely imagine it! At a point where I could be sulking, I am full of JOY!! Oh, wow! He is allll I need! He is the conductor of this Orchestration that gets to be MY life! I am sitting deep in the meadows surrounding by flowers waiting on Him, sensitive to His calling, trying to be, learning to be more patient, and talking with Him more. It's amazing! He's showing me over and over that He will meet all of my needs - even the seemingly unsignificant ones. And He's using the fact that my faith is growing to build other's faith! I just need to learn to be still and submissive when I feel like I'm being wronged. Hurting people hurt people, and as long as I remember that I'm more understanding. I don't know what He's going to teach me in the next months or what's going to be in my path, but I am so flippin' EXCITED for it! Even though, I KNOW it's going to be tough! It will! They promise you it! But He will be there, and He cares, that much. He's teaching me to feel true love, agape love. He's teaching me the Great Romance and how great His love really is - though I don't think my heart can handle it nor contain it! Wow, I really don't know what it is that has come over me...well, i do, but I don't know why now! I guess this is like polar-opposite from all the times I felt soo sad and I was in such a down place. It's so weird! But He's teaching me to be more optimistic....I think it's the little things that make the most impact. Yeah, He could do a great big thing, but when He meets your little needs it's amazing and life-touching, and soul-wrenching that He would take THAT step closer to you. And idk, but yeahhh...

This is a crazy post because it's not neat and it's so odd, but that's okay. :) I know the "feeling" of joy isn't always going to be there, but I pray I remember joy in all things. And I pray I continue to fall in love with Christ and be a living breathing vessel in all times. Oh Father, You are so Good.

1 comment:

Kristina Weeks said...


even though i never knew you as "gramma"....


ps. the word is "inept".... how wrong!!!