Monday, July 13, 2009

Reaffirmation and obeidiance in each step.

Tonight was so amazing. Only because God is so amazing and reaffirmation is beauty.

So I came to the Underground late...I walked in and this guy was praying over this guy...and I was like, huhh?? haha, he was prophesying over him!! I was like, what? Naw, what did I come to...? I was VERY critical at first...I mean, I've never experienced this unless it was under the lines of crazy churches where they pray in tongues over you and you are supposed to either fall to the floor or run around the room screaming. And I had only been to THAT kind of church once before when I was in middle school and my mom and I went with one of her friends. Ha, so I was like, what is this?? I'm not a very critical person, I'm just not...haha, as much as I'm not a "hold grudges" kind of girl...those are just not two things that I struggle with the's actually very hard for me to do either. I can tend to be too open minded about certain things...and yet I'll surprise myself by being super critical on others. So I was very...wary on this...yet open to what God was prayer was kinda like..."ok, God, I don't know what I've gotten myself into, buut You have your way." So I sat in near the back and listened. As he got to more of the people I knew closely...I started to hear truth in what He was saying and I could sense the Holy Spirit's presence. He captured things that he would have no business knowing...and he couldn't possibly know. Somewhere between people Adell saw me and motioned for me to sit in front of her in the second row. So I did...the whole point of the night was that he could pray over the Seniors.

As I listened to each person's I was blown away with how the Holy Spirit was he was naming characteristics that each he spoke about journaling with one...which was crazy...and just different gets more crazy for me as we get to mine. So he called me up and so I went...

It was just...welll...reaffirmation at it's finest! The first thing he said was that I am a runner. A runner....baha, i was like...oh no! he knows that I have to run in Texas!! :P Baha, but naw...Ashton told me it reminded her of The Lord of the Rings...haha, I've never seen it, but of the girl...Argon?,'s in Captivating...when she rescues Frodo from the poison getting to his heart by wanting to take him to his father and even when Aragorn was like, no stay with the hobbits I'll send horses for you, but she was like naw, I do not fear them, I'm the faster rider, etc etc. haha, so I guess it reminded her of that...when he said that I'm the runner...the helper. He also said I was a servant and I'll be a servant. A he was talking it was almost like a's in Captivating. It's what "helper" really is when God is talking about Eve in Genesis. Ezer actually means Lifesaver, helpmate. As he was talking about me it was like he was describing that. I'll be almost "behind the scenes" in a lot of things, but that's not a bad thing. And he said, even if it's making sandwiches. I was like, oh no he didn't!! HAHAHA, he had nooo idea about that! No one really did besides Ashton and Kristina...Thomas didn't even know I was doing that..because i was thinking...well had Ashton told them I had done that?!? And as I've been reflecting on that..I'm recalling being out there today and a stirring inside of me to do MORE than just that...I had talked to several people about it...this ache inside of me to serve them be more than just the "have a nice day" as I go back to my nice house and as I know you are going back to the same ol' thing, living on the streets. He also talked about how much I will touch peoples lives. Then he said it. My feet will touch foreign ground...foreign lands. He saw missions in me! I almost peed my pants, I will not lie!! He said that I have such a long life in front of me. He said that I will touch those that are wealthy in stuff..but poor in spirit. And that I will gain influence through my servant's heart and being of a gentle spirit and through my heart to people. I thought of Thailand...again, not gonna lie. I mean, they are like a second world country, so they are not horribly under privileged...well, yes, but you know what I was thinking about. He said how I will win favor with people and there will be a sense of peace in my household that people will be able to sense. He also said, "Now if I may even say a prophetic or something like that"...I'll have to see the notes.. But it was like, from my just being a servant and a helper God will develop other gifts in me...boldness was a term he used. Which is HUGE for he spoke on how it wasn't a bad thing that I had the gifts I did, and that God will even put more things in me. There was so much more, but these are what's coming to my mind right now.

When his wife spoke she sensed that I was like the story where the cup is flowing in dif other cups...I can't think of where it's at so hopefully the leaders that were taking notes of all of us caught that...but she said spoke almost about how it comes from the Holy Spirit and I won't run out if I go to Him for it. And she also said that God will give to me over and abundantly then I could have ever asked in the things that I've felt empty in in the past....which I can so apply to my life...and wow. Then she spoke about how I will be able to recognize when people are in bondage and when things are not right in their life. And I will be able to speak with boldness and words when God puts those in me to speak life into people. She said more as well, but I don't think it's a bad thing that some things come in spurts...when the time comes, as I'm following Christ's direction, I can look back and be like, wow, this guy said that! Thank You Lord.

I mean...I don't think it's crazy...this whole prophecy thing. I know some churches believe that these things aren't alive in churches today or relevant...but I mean, have you seen our society? This is reaffirmation of what I've been thinking about in the past week. It's like we've grown used to doing things without the help of's almost like we don't believe and have the faith for things like prophecy...because we don't need it...we have enough faith for our little lives and we're comfy right here. Of course, I believe you need to be guarded about things like false prophets, but when you saw the "obnoxious joy" that was shown in him when he was talking about his Jesus and singing new songs about could just tell. And how he was saying crazy stuff that totally FIT.

1 Corinthians 14:6

1 Corinthians 14:22

It doesn't matter if I'm prophesied over a million times, if I don't look to God. We have choice...and I believe that if we're not looking to God in things we can so easily miss blessings. So that is why Father, I'm giving it all to You. You know the plans You have for me, so I trust in You. And I will follow you step by step. Obedience by obedience. You are leading me in all my ways and I trust that You will meet all my needs for Your plan. Hold tight to me Father, I only want to do Your will. Thank you for setting me free in areas so I can be free in the future. Thank you for each new lesson and I pray that I am always sensitive to Your Spirit so that I can live out what You have for me. I can scarcely imagine all a life lived for you can ever look or be like. But thank you for it...for such a time as this. Thank you Father, for all of your love and for all life has in store, day by day.

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