Thursday, July 2, 2009


Alright, so instead of finishing that story I'm just gonna explain what the image was. It was of a heart in a castle in a tall tower. It was of course guarded, but it didn't really have those walls up like the story built. The heart was asleep like in the story and was tossing and turning like in the story. The image was sort of the climax and ending of the story I wrote. By the end of it the heart was tossing and turning so much that it was going to injure itself. (i guess I will go on with some of the story because my mind wants to, lol) The mind, body, strength, and soul finally was just like, "Alright, Christ, come make it all new. Settle this heart." so the next part (back to my original image) is of Christ coming into the tower and just stroking the heart like you would some one's hair. He spoke calming words and breathed power into it, the same power that conquered the grave. He restored it back to it's full potential and healed it's bruises until it was resting peacefully and content once again. (Now back to the story...) He then went to each of the others and restored them. He brought joy back into the soul so that it could dance and worship again. He renewed the Strength so that it felt confident. He energized the Body and made it feel like it was okay again. And He renewed the Mind. It was transforming while it kept moving forward. Things just didn't go to perfect after that, there was some struggles but the fire was back and the desire was there.

The image came to me a little while ago because my sleep wasn't well. I constantly tossed and turned and was restless. I just wasn't in a good place. I feel like I have needed to get my heart and everything else in the right place with God before I go to Texas. It's because this year is going to be so different and God will be teaching me so much that I need to get everything else lined up after that. I'm starting to pray now for my future roommates and for my CORE group and CORE group Advisor. I'm praying for the new friendships that I'll be making and the memories that will be made. ...People joke with me that I'm going to meet my future husband there...HA!...i highly doubt it considering I am just out of high school and God still has a lot to work on me self-confidence to even THINK that. And that is NOT why I'm going there so I'm trying to guard myself against those thoughts...because believe it or not, I'm a girl, and I'm not completely invincible (though sometimes I'd like to think I am). I'm also praying that God will give me a clear direction for my life and what He wants from it.

Ah, so yeah, that was the image in all it's glory, haha. I had a pretty decent day trying to figure out what else I need to get done before another day is over.

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