Sunday, September 19, 2010

Clothed in humility

Everything I do, everything I say, I want it to be done in humility.

When I am really passionate for something, it leaks out through my writing. And sometimes it comes off "in your face" type stuff. But I never want it to mean something it doesn't. I never want it to mean that I am better than you or that I am preaching without it impacting myself too. Everything I write is things that he convicts my heart about. And then I sit back and analyze and see it everywhere I look as well so I can't help but share it! During the HA the Lord put a lot of things on my heart about my future. More so, key things that it will outline, or themes rather. And one was the awakening of the Church, the awakening of the Body of Christ. And I have come to realize that I get those things out best through my writing. I am passionate about it. And so it comes full force through my writing. It's funny because it gets to a point where I'm not even writing anymore, it's the Holy Spirit. Almost like when someone is talking to or praying over someone and they don't even remember what they said because they know the Holy Spirit took over? That's how it is with my writing. The only difference is that it is written, so I can see what it is I wrote and a lot of the time it just amazes me when it comes together and I didn't even realize two points were going to until I started typing.

What I'm trying to say is that I want love to be what steers me and causes me to produce words for Christ. Yes, my heart breaks when I see the church talk about blessings like it's the only purpose & reason we have Christ. I'm passionate about this area, but I never want it to seem that I have some kind of authority to say these things and that I think of myself as one such person.

It's only because this is what He has been teaching and convicting me about. I love the Father's love for us, how vast beyond all measure. That He should give His only son, to make a wretch His treasure. -haha, song, but it just came out. Anyways, the Lord loves us and wants to bless us and meet our needs day by day. But He blesses as He sees fit. He looks at the heart and so sometimes He disciplines those He loves. And sometimes your business doesn't always go through a blessing period because He wants to teach you to trust in Him to the last penny. In Proverbs the psalmist talks about how he doesn't want a penny more from God or he may forget Him and he doesn't want a penny less from Him or he will steal. What would it be like to live by that kind of faith. When you get more than enough to not keep more than you need, then give the rest away. How different would be live? How different would I live?

And because we are a blessed nation, because we do have more than we possibly would ever want, why not give it away? And not just in a humanitarian way, but in an eternal way. Let's not just clothe and feed the homeless but let's bring the Gospel to them!

I'm also realizing that writing with directness is just how I write. It's been surprisingly hard to sit here and try to keep in my passion from filling this screen. I think what I need to do more is not necessarily calm down my writing, but think with humility no matter what is on my heart, take a step back and look at my approach.

I am stepping back and looking from the outside in. I want to see the body of Christ living out what Christ said to do. I want to see the body come together on Sundays and dive into who God is and not just what He can do for us! I want us to stop getting a bad rap from outsiders because people can tell the difference between a fake and someone who is DIFFERENT because of Him who saved us. And I want to be different than the humanitarians of this world. Yes, I want to feed the hungry and clothe the naked, but what I truly want to do, even if I can't give earthy things, is bring the Gospel to the world, something others in the world can't. I want to bring an eternal mindset to the world.

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