Wednesday, April 27, 2011


There comes a point in everyones life where they must choose. They must choose which road they are going to go down. They may not know where it will lead next or even what direction they are going. But, there does come a point when they must choose the High Road or the Easy Road. It's not even necessarily between the High Road and The Road to Destruction, but between roads a little less obvious, roads that begin in their heart and flow out into their actions. Roads that don't come from an act but out of a lifestyle.

And even when you've chosen The High Road road & learned how much it will cost you, you begin to see the much better way. You begin to see the beauty hidden by the pain. You begin to see the layers that you are taking off yourself that you felt were comfort but were really just holding you back & holding you down. It hurts to take those layers off but when you have become completely bare, in need of Someone to re-clothe you & guide you to higher grounds, it is the grandest renewal and rebirth of all.

But, be careful of the Easy Road. Even those who claim to be on the Higher Road are there. They are deceived because the true test to see which road a person is on is within the heart, which can be SO easily hardened. And the trick with The Easy Road is that it seems wonderful at get both cravings from this world and drops from the Higher Road above you. But pretty soon you won't go for the bits that come down from Higher Road because you'll get your cravings from underneath. The Easy Road seems wonderful until before you know it, you are heading right for The Road to Destruction, which is the worst of them all.

And you know what's sad? No matter how much you try, you can't take people with you to the Higher Road...they have to want it themselves. But, sometimes, comfort is hard to leave. And a heart hardened for long has lost it's ability to be molded.


Amazing message - A friend from last year messaged me this following video. After listening to it, my perspectives began to take a drastic turn. Sometimes you can be going through the right motions & realize that in your heart of hearts, you are still on The Easy Road. Yes, He's gracious & takes you places, but it's your heart He is interested in. And, your heart can be so hard to detect because we do our best to keep the deepest parts of our hearts hidden...when that's ALL God looks at. Kinda scary, right? Things that we feel like we're holding onto & don't know how to let them ago are in the exact places He's looking at. And yet we allow ourselves to go through it time and time again. ....Please watch's amazing...longer than a regular 45 minute message but worth so much more!

Full Version:
-Along the tabs at the top go to the one that says, "Archived Messages," scroll down to the 03/01/11

Edited (shorter and less quality)-

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