Friday, July 25, 2008

The Shack is the type of book that you want to put down at the same time you have to continue to keep reading. It makes you so uncomfortable because it is so out of what you would normally think in your box of Christianity. Since it's a fiction book you of course have to not take the things literally as true, but there is so much symbolism there and so much digging inside of it. I love it. I'm not done, but I love love love it! I have a few quotes that I love in it that I'll put when I'm actually done with it.

I'm so digging this 8 chapters a day Bible thing. I'm kinda behind, yeah, I'm gonna continue reading after I post pictures of the last few days and finish here. But I love it. It's reminding me of Bible Class. I know I always talk about Bible Class, but it's started a flame in my heart that I want to keep burning. I love the Theology type of stuff and just everything, being knowledgeable. Something that stook out to me when I was starting to read was Genesis 4:6--7 God was talking to Cain, asking him why he was so angry and dejected and He was so...matter of fact about it. I'm gonna work hard to explain it in the best way I can, all of why it meant so much to me. Maybe it's a mixture of The Shack and what I learned in Bible Class...but it seeems so LIKE God. Like, He is such a loving God and yet He has His rules. These rules are because He loves us! It's like, He had to be just and He had to set down the law, or His love wouldn't be so extremely fufilling! So when He tells Cain what He can't let happen, it just seems so...loving. He gave him choice and he gave him consequences if He didn't listen to Him. He explained to Him that if he didn't do what was right sin would be crouching at his door! He told Him! I mean, this is what we chose, we chose to disobey God and to allow sin to enter into this world. But He still loves us through it! The bottom line is that God wants a relationship with us! So he was like, "why the heck are you angry or dejected? It's the way it has to be. I want all of you or I want none of you! Because I love you and I want you to be all you can be for me! I'm a jealous God because I LOVE you!" It made my heart smile as well as anxious at what He could possibly have in store for my life if I allow Him and stay on the right track. That's just what I got from that section of the Bible. :)

Sometimes I wish to start over. Have you ever wished that? Maybe with people or with certain times in your life or with whatever. Just in those moments when you're not sure how people feel about you or when you guess that they could think one way because they think that you think one way. And you want to make it right because you think they think that way, but you can't because you don't know for sure if they think that you think that way, even though you don't think that way. Lol, a mouthful I know. But yeah, sometimes I wish it was like that.

My face looks like a tomato, ahahaha. I think it's hilarious, but I won't if I start peeling. I just hate peeling. I do like peeling it off, but I don't like the discoloration that comes with it, hahaha. ANYWAYS that went about 394873843 steps down, deep whys, aha. ;)

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