Thursday, August 7, 2008

Oh, yeah? Magnify THIS

Why do we sometimes put God in a box that screams limitations and not too big expectancies? Why does it come easy for us to get caught up in the storm without seeing outside of it? Why do we get so caught off-guard when we are on our nice little beach (thanks kristina!) and then when a storm comes tearing in, we act like we don't deserve it!? Inexplicable, don't you think?

Oh, to have faith that God is in fact bigger than our problems and bigger than the box we put around Him, because we seem to think that He is and only can be slightly larger than our best attempts at ourselves. Oh, to have faith that He in fact, KNOWS what's going on and not in fact oblivious to our trials and tribulations. And oh, to have faith that He IS powerful enough to do whatever His will is for it, not just what we want.

Constantly, I see myself and those around me becoming wrapped up in the trials that they are going through. Satan seems to give us these trials and then MAGNIFY them until that is all we see! Alcohol runs in your family, of course it's just going to keep getting worse and worse. Magnification. All of it. And when you're not guarded and steadfast in His word they can seem all too true. You get wrapped up in the problems that are going on around you, and even though you know, in the back of your head that your God is bigger than them, sure you know it as a nice little thought, it only seems like just that. But when does it become something bigger than knowing it? When did it stop being something bigger and start being something that you just knew? How did you stop BELIEVING in it? How did it stop being your strong tower and your shelter when things got tough?

We have a hard time getting back to the big picture after it has been magnified. Once we get caught up in how big our problem is and how it seems like it just keeps going downhill from there, we forget to step back and take a look. The problem engulfs us until we can't see anything but it. Maybe what seems like a curse right now is actually a blessing that God is going to use in the future if we don't give up and we keep striving for His will. Maybe during some storms all we can do is wait and have faith that the storm will end soon. Maybe sometimes we have to fight and keep going even when the storm just wants to pull us away. Maybe sometimes we have to close our eyes during the storm and wait for God to say "move". Maybe during the storm we need to focus on finding out who Christ was and is so that when God does tell us to move we will KNOW that it is HIM. Maybe we need to diligently wait upon the Lord and have faith that He will bring His children back to Him. Maybe we need to work on the place that we are right now, the roles that He has given us to fulfill, maybe there is beauty when we can't see it. Maybe it's all of those things and more. After all, God is bigger than anything we could place around Him. He is. He works everything for His good for those that love Him. I know that that is a verse, I just don't know where it is. ;)

So yeah, Satan, maybe you can throw us some curve balls along the way, and maybe the World is trying to attack us, but don't you dare try to magnify our situation to throw us off from seeing how MAGNIFicent our God is! He is bigger than anything this world could throw at us and He will see us through everything. We don't want it to be easy, so don't think you can throw us off by making things difficult. Our God is more willing and mighty then our circumstances could ever be and we will stand strong against the storm knowing THAT!


delea said...


Kristina Weeks said...

i get off at 3 tomorrow so the movie sound good :)

i absolutely love this post. girl, we think so much alike! it's almost scary! haha.

and it would be wonderful to get together and just TALK. about God. about life. about the journey. you know what i mean.


Kristina Weeks said...

p.s. i acted like i was hurling just for fun when i read that part of your comment :D