Monday, February 9, 2009

the little things

I love when God shows how intimate He is and how He really does care about the little things.

Today I was having a really bad day because I realized that I had printed off the wrong Sociology paper. Like, I had printed off a version that I had saved before I finished it. And I wasn't completely sure that I had all of it saved at home porque my computer turned off wihtout warning when I was done with it but I didn't remember if I had saved the final one. Let me tell you, that paper took me like 8 HOURS! Ok, so I'm bad at multi-tasking, but besides walking outside and staring at my computer for a couple seconds I was stuck doing it. So finding out that I didn't have the whole 6 page paper was not something I wanted to find out. I was so frustrated and I put my Bible down heavily because I had grabbed it on the way out of the door. Trying to control my feelings I just opened up my Bible. I opened up to Isaiah 43 and I had this verse *'d. It was Isaiah 43:2. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned, the flames will not set you ablaze.

Just that little confromation of hope helped in a million ways. I was able to go to my sociology teacher (or do you say professor since it's a college course?) calmy when I would have probably been more stressed out about it. I was able to come home today with calmness instead of stressing and being horrible to my mom (on her birthday! woo! :)). I got on here and thankfully found that it had saved and I could e-mail it to my teacher. That little verse showed me that God does care about the little things that we go through. And that verse isn't even that little either when you think about it. I mean, fire isn't a little thing. Hm, it just made me thank Him for always being there even when I'm not listening. Just a few nights ago I was angry at Him because I don't understand what He does most times. I heard Scott's message was good last night - I'm going to go listen to it when I get the chance this week. But his message in the morning was really good too. I loved how he talked about the different layers flowing from faith in 2 Peter 1:3-11. I hadn't read 2 Peter in a while, now rereading it I want to think about it and process it. But one thing that Scott spoke about was in verse 9 - "But if anyone does not have them, he is nearsighted and blind..." He said, "You won't be able to see through the circumstance, you'll just see that you're stuck." I think that goes with a lot of stuff that we go through. We don't see past the circumstance because we have forgotten who God is, or alteast a characteristic of Him.

"Oh God, God is God and I am not, I can only see a part of the picture He's painting. God, God is God and I am man, so I'll never understand it all, for only God is God." - Steven Curtis Chapman - that songs on the radio right now. :)

Now I want to write a post about what I'm thinking about 2 Peter! haha, it's crazy how God speaks! :)

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