Wednesday, February 4, 2009

There is not even enough room for a co-pilot.

Calvinism or Arminism? Who do you side with?

I side with neither. Yes, I believe that God predestined us and our world as well as I believe that we as humans are by nature, evil. I do not believe that humans are, by nature, good (Isaiah 64:6, Mark 7:21, Romans 3:10-12). We just are naturally evil, prone to our natural ways, so we need a Savior. But I also believe that we have free choice to accept the gift or not. John 3:16 is a big booster of that side. I believe that both have valid points and both have points that I would say that I agree with. But, alas, I don't have all the answers. We don't know which is black and which is white. And I'm OK with that.

I love love love that story about the man that had been crippled for 25 years and then Jesus came and healed him. Because then this question comes to Jesus that asks, "What sin did this man's father or him commit that caused him to be crippled for this long? And Jesus said nothing, but it was so that God would get the Glory through this. Thomas shared that story with us tonight and I got a flash back of Bible Studies where I read it and absolutely loved it. I don't know why it hit me so much, but I think it was because it showed me something so valuable. Through everything, God wants the glory. Yes, He has given you these gifts, and yes, he has blessed you with this life, but unless he gets the Glory through it all, it's worthless. Another key it showed me was that God predestines things for his plan and ultimate purpose, but for the good of those who love Him.

As Thomas enlightened us with, it's so easy to say, "What did that man do to DESERVE that?!?! His didn't do anything wrong! Why did God choose HIM to go through that?!" But ask yourself this. Do you think he committed sin through those twenty-five years? Do you think he never sinned? Who is HE to have any right in the matter to not go through that? Who are YOU to say such a thing? Was his life his own?! This is what was said that hit me - No one asks why Christ had to die! Not really anyways...I mean we don't say, "No, God! You shouldn't have put him on the cross! How could YOU do that to him?!?" But think! He lived the sinless life! HE WAS NATURALLY GOOD! Not us! We have no right to understand God's ways or to try to figure Him out completely, because in doing that, and when we feel like we have the right answer, we take the Glory away from God.

It just shows me the mystery of God, and how marvelous that is. I am not going to understand all his ways. I do enjoy theology, it's a passion that I have gotten over the years, a hunger to learn, but I won't let it control me. I'm not going to understand whether the reason this person keeps denying Christ is due to his own selfish free will or because God predestined for him to not. I'm not going to understand his infinite ways, because I am so finite. I am content in knowing that, because I am reminded time and time again that this life is not mine, and I am not the pilot. His ways are far better than my ways ever could be. His love covers me when I feel worthless. He is, and I am not. I just love settling, as you would in a comfy armchair near a fire, in that embrace.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Theology.. yeah. Not my passion. Definitely need it, definitely matters. Just not what I love.

Because as for me I am just so poor at understanding God. But I understand Jesus, I understand His message, and I understand that it's Ok if I don't understand anything else as long as I love God's law.

I love how intimate God was when He made us, how intricately He made us, how He gives us passion that lights our entire world up. For your I think one of those is writing, and theology. For Kristina it's beautiful literature and stars and emotion. For me it's practical application, moving, being a verb, I don't love anything more on earth (other than God and people) than being active, it's the act of being active that I love. Sure I like literature and travel and that kind of thing but it's all built on the hands-on foundation, the tactile learner in me. I don't love school because it's school, I love it (sometimes) because I get to learn and do something with it. I'm not the best at explaining myself by any means.

my word is colfie

like coffee hahah

<3 Rach