Tuesday, June 2, 2009

To know Real Love, you must know this.

Wow, I love this song. This was sung at Lee and Katie's Wedding before they walked down the isle. Their wedding was my absolute favorite. It was completely Christ centered and it was so so evident. It was beautiful.

I don't think it's possible to know love, real love, without knowing that. How can you? How can you love another without knowing His love?!? I just don't think it's possible, not real love anyways. I mean that, that, is breathtaking, wonderful, majestic, perfect, awe-inspiring, Holy...ahh, I don't think I know adjectives for what it is. Without knowing 1 Corinthians 13:1-8, you can't know love. And He is all that 1 Corinthians states. So if you don't know Him, really know Him, thirst for Him daily, learn who He is daily, how can it pour from your life and how can you know you are doing His will, if you don't know Him, if you don't seek Him with that passion? Real love, that is not spoiled by the worlds terms comes fully from both people passionately for THAT purpose! That is beautiful. I even hate the term dating because it holds so much of the world's term, so much of the worlds ideals in it. It's like, a relationship can be so awe-inspiring, and then they put the term dating to it and it's instantly changed. It becomes a little less beautiful because it's been tampered with. Hear where I am coming from, not just what I'm saying. :) I just want beautiful relationships for all of my friends when the time is right. It makes me happy. I want to be able to go to all of your weddings and be like, aw, wow, this is Christ-centered and I'm totally thrilled! :)

I pray for all of your relationships. I don't know who reads this, but I pray for all of your relationships. I mean, we're growing up! Man, we're growing up! And we're about to go our separate ways. We're not kids anymore. We are about to go into life, real life. Where we will be making our own decisions and our actions will truly have consequences. This is the moment where most students fall away from Christ. This is the moment where we must decide who we will follow and what will dictate our decisions. I mean, I'm heading into a Christ-centered environment that is pretty militant. (If you break one of their rules, dependant on which, you must apologize in front of the whole Honor Academy and then pack your bags and leave...chyeah.) But I'm worried about what college is going to do to some of my friends. I mean college isn't the Enemy, but he sure uses it as a tool. I'm also afraid with the lack of accountability. If people won't open up to people they see day to day they are sure going to hide things from God. I'm afraid that it will be all too easy to fall away from God: thirsting and finding out who He is, and what will out pour from that: our purity, faith, obedience, and in showing it to others.

Lol, this post went every which way, but yeah...a commitment to that, that kind of love is what it will take. And that Love pouring out of our lives, in every which way, flowing from every pore in our Spiritual body, will direct our paths. Wow, that song...

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