Friday, June 19, 2009

You want to understand me? Read this.

I have yet another image running through my mind. I told it to Kristina a little - but definitely not in this detail, yeah, my fingers do the work. But it's of this heart, or at least for this story we are going to focus on it. The setting is a room in this tower in this big castle. The heart is sleeping; it's supposed to sleep, that's what it's mission is until it is Awakened, (...if you know your Word, you know where I'm taking this..;)) until it's Prince comes (though this isn't apart of the image that was in my head, i'm just being a girl). Then when he touches the heart, after Elyon tells him it's okay to do so (well, now that i'm reading this back i don't like it because it says when it desires, so i think they are both hearts that are asleep and they both wake up...his just may awake a bit earlier than hers, haha, there, better..haha, you can tell it's a rough draft)...oh, I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's go back to the beginning, shall we? ;) (oh, I love storytelling!)

Scene. So this heart is in this big castle's tower, like you dream about when you were little and like you see in Sleeping Beauty and all those classic stories. Like I said before, the heart is sleeping. That is it's purpose and it's mission. That's all it needs to do. It's been placed there specifically and strategically. Love put it there, an amazing kind of love that's all included in the Great Romance and it is not to be opened until a certain love comes...but again! I'm getting ahead of myself! Silly me. ;)

So this heart has been sleeping nicely for quite sometime. Dreaming beautiful dreams and content. As it sleeps it is being shaped and it's being cultivated. It is resting and it is peaceful. Preparation is it's season of life and preparation is all it knows. Of course there are other things going on while it sleeps - Elyon isn't contained in time nor in place - no, there are many other parts that are fulfilling its separate duties, all connected for this one purpose: to love Elyon, to agape Elyon. But for right now, the heart is being protected and guarded - while it's other parts are off doing what Elyon called each to do. Its body is living and breathing and completely alive and active to it's surroundings: taking in all it's senses and thriving on life. it knows it is only for a temporary time but it's fulfilling its role. Its soul is being reformed and nourished and replenished as it rejoices in it's Savior. It is secure and it worships. The mind is being taught how to think. It is being taught how to absorb Truth and how to use it. It is being trained to fight in the battlefield that is hosted in it's premises and how to win it all to Elyon's Glory. It takes capture all the thoughts that run through it and destroys the Enemy' lies. It only uses about 10% of it's own capacity, but of course that is to be expected, it couldn't handle any more, at least not now. The strength is being built and tested. It is not just outer strength but inner. It is being prepared for anything that comes, to be ready to hold it's ground But the heart, oh the heart, it is the wellspring and it is being kept. It is the core because it is the most used and most relied upon. It is a beautiful thing when all works together to do just what it is called to do. But when things start to go wrong and each part isn't going to their Maker and Sustainer things take a turn for the worst. (was that just the prologue? jeesh!)

This is just one story. There are many different stories, many different ways things can go wrong and how far they are taken that way. This is just one, one that tells a tale that is not even remotely finished but it's one of those that has a beginning that needed to be sorted out and understood before any kind of story could be written or mastered. This is it's beginning.

We know the reason for the Fall: once one slides and tumbles it all does. Like most stories this one starts with the Fall of the mind. It was doing very well for a while. All of the parts were actually, after they were Saved. Of course, before the Savior they were all like little children, wandering and confused, but after the Save they were excited and ready to Live, really live, and ready for anything. There was only one Command that they must do: love Elyon, and out of that love will flow what they needed. In order to love Him, they had to know Him, so they started right away, thirsting after Him, craving Him and learning more and more about Him. The body danced and showed, the soul worshiped and rejoiced, the mind thought and pondered, destroyed and captured. The strength was constantly built and tested, in small ways at first and the heart was poured into and taken care of and put to sleep. It gave off it's own sleeping perfume that made it known but didn't give you the whole thing. All was doing well until one started to slip...the slipping is so easy. Without realizing it the mind began to weaken it's guards and begin to let certain lies in. The body was around other bodies that were telling it lies and being around things that constantly made it look at itself and hear delicious sounding nothings that told it what it was supposed to be and why it just wasn't that. Instead of capturing the thoughts like the Mind was supposed to do it began to listen. And those words began to seep in like poison - almost like an odorless poison that seeps into the cracks and heads to the back so you almost don't realize they are there and they have set root, like a weed. The "hearings' became a bit more vicious and cruel: now directed at the body itself and left it not understanding and extremely hurt. What the Strength was supposed to do wavered. With the mind not backing it up, the strength grew faint. The soul became weary and downcast. The heart began to toss, ever so slightly but it began to toss and become a little restless. It could sense something wasn't right, even in it's sleep and as the core of the rest it felt it. The guards that were guarding the heart, after talking with the mind and the body, began to build walls around its bed in fear that it may be awakened or hurt.

There were ups and downs as they whole "gang" got older. The Mind and the rest of them were coming back to Elyon and understanding more. The Mind was learning better ways to become a sponge and learning how to block out the Enemy. Since they all felt more protected now that the walls were up, they all felt a little freer to just be. Things were good for a while, things seemed just great, but just as life proved to become more unstable so were they in their reaction to it. What seems so great at first, like a protective wall, can cause the greatest downfall...

hahaha, so i laugh at myself most times. uhm, i guess this is part one plus a rough draft. i just wanted all this time not be wasted, haha. soo, i'll probably mess this all around when i get back and i already have the ending in my head, i just don't know about inbtwn. Actually the climax part and the ending is the image that has been in my head the last couple days. but the middle - ugh, i just don't want to, lol. Writer's Block, haha. Alright, well God, you know i'm not as stoked as i want to be, but there must be something you have for me because it was a blessing that i even am going. So, yeah, you're Good and you teach us things no matter where we are. Thank You, Father. Thank you for everything. :)

(verses used - Songs of Solemon (the verse i'm talking about is in there 3 times, i'm just too tired to look, haha, Mark 12:30, 1 Corinthians 15:40)


Kristina Weeks said...

ooooooooooh man. i love this. i LOVE LOVE LOVE this. amanda seriously, this is good stuff. and thank you for sharing it with me, too! it's def stuff for pondering and consideration :)

next chapter, please!!

ps. my word was "plasc." it reminds me of plastic. which reminds me of tupperware. which reminds me of seaweed.

Amanda said...

how does tupperware remind ou of seaweed? lol. :D