Sunday, August 9, 2009

Those Nights :)

I am just amazed. Amazed by God, amazed by who He is and how He cares and the life He writes for all of us, each journey, each person, each path, each decision, each valley, each mountain, each laugh, each cry...every fiber of our beings and every step we will reach. Breath-taking, amazing, awe-inspiring, majestic, beautiful, crafted, delicate, firm, steadfast...oh I could go on and on. but I will just breathe in this fragrance and out this thankfulness. k

I am just so blown away. I guess you don't fully realize all that has been given to you for a season until you look back at it. I just...I don't even know what to say. I pray that I have blessed each of you that I call friends as much as you blessed me.

I thank God for making me so emotional a day before I was saying good-bye to everyone. Haha, if I were as emotional as I was the day before today (er, yesterday :P) I would be a wreck when you guys prayed over me and when I said my good-byes. I think it was good that the hang-out was right after a fundraiser was OVER...stress was released and out came a day of joy and fun...sadness, but mostly joy and fun.

Mmm....I thank God for each of you. I thank God for everything you have given to me: memories, laughs, talks, wisdom, even the bad times, I thank God for it all.

And I thank God for prayer. It brings such Unity. I love that word. Like last night, the leaders of New Beginnings Church prayed over me after we used their facility that they more than graciously offered. I was just blown away by what they were saying because some of it was closely related to what the guy prophesied over me that Sunday night(which I look back and go, wow, because if c3 hadn't of done those service projects I wouldn't have come to hear the guy and I wouldn't have experienced that! I love how intricate His plannings are) But anyways, I was explaining to one of the Men who prayed over me that I thought it was so amazing how it correlated and I know I sounded amazed because he was like, "But it's one God, one Holy Spirit, one Jesus. Of course it was the same thing." And he went on to talk about how people get blown away when God is the same everywhere and how denominations are dividers but God is all about Unity. And I just LOVED that, because it hit me. I do that all the time...I'm so hesitant to worship or do different things when I'm at a different church, let alone a different denomination. And I guess that was a lesson that God is teaching me even right now, that when I go down to Texas, it will be the SAME God that goes down with me, even if the atmosphere is different, and even if the worship style of some is is the same God. We will all be coming from different backgrounds and different denominations, but we are all serving the same God and were are all worshiping the same Savior and living with the Same Holy Spirit inside of us. That is comfort right there.

But last night and tonight were amazing. I was prayed over twice by a big group of people. :) I just still can't take in all that God is doing and all that He has for my future. This lady came up to me after they all prayed for me last night and told me that she really feels God wants me to know that He has my God-guy (as she put it) for me and that He's preparing him for me and that he's praying for me as well. She talked about how God wanted me to know that He knows and understands and that I won't have to search for him, that he will just come and I'll know. Wow. But more than any wow, I began to realize that hey, if God is the same everywhere, He coulda told me that Himself (even though I always had that foundation). So why didn't He? And I realized it is my own fault. My serious quiet times have been slacking...though they haven't been steady for a while now. But my intimate times have been really few and far between. I pray constantly, but when do I stop and listen? I guess I haven't been doing much of that and that's what I'm going to start working on. Yes, I believe that the fact that God speaks through people is amazing and such a witness to my heart as well as others. But wouldn't/couldn't He say that to you directly if you took the time to listen? So that is speaking to me, most definitely. And that's what I'm going to work on.

I just thank you Father for the season in my life that you have given me over the past years. I thank you for the people especially that have been put in my life, even if they weren't there tonight. I thank you for the memories that you have given me from each person and the things that they have taught me through it. And I pray for their futures as well. I pray that they are always sensitive to your nudges and where you say go, they will go, where you say don't they will not, where you say not now, they will wait, and where you say speak, they will take a stand. And I pray that for me as well. I know that not all of them are gone from my race, but it is going to be quite different for some time. So I just pray that you hold all of our futures and you guide us with each step. I thank You for Your Love, oh Your love. I can't even describe it, but out of that flows all Your reasons and all of Your ways. And for that, I'm forever greatful. Thank you, thank you, thank you Father!

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