Tuesday, August 24, 2010

"No matter where you go in this country, if you are white, people will notice you. They stop whatever they're doing, smile like they're posing for a glamour shot, then wave enthusiastically in your direction. Perhaps they think we are brining food, medicine, clothes. They know we are here because we choose to be. We could be doing a thousand other things in a thousand other places. Instead, here we are, the pale ghosts of hope."


"What is it about this place, Gordon? It twists you all up inside and messes with your head."
"And your heart."
"Yeah, that too."
"In this place, Stu, God has a way of bring people down to the essence of who they are."

Scared, Tom Davis

We may be "blessed" and God may bless us, but it's so we can be a blessing to others. It's so we can be nothing to ourselves, so they can be something in Him.

Open up your eyes.
See the world through more than just your American life
Can you see the souls behind what's going on?
Do you know what's going on?

His ultimate Plan is calling
Calling us to awaken and be His hands and feet.
This is the great commission.

1 Corinthians 12 - If we are the body, why aren't we moving?

So if you are called to be a sender - send! Be here in the United States! God knows the people here need it! And send others out with the finances you were blessed with!

If you're called to be a goer - GO! The world is waiting.

If you are called to be an interceder - Intercede! Prayers are so much more powerful then we as Americans look at it. Get a heart for the nations, for your neighborhood! And intercede for them!

If you are a called to be a mobilizer - MOBILIZE! The Church needs to be awakened! We need to realize what God's doing and be apart of it!

If you are called to be a greeter - greet! When foreigners come into your country, LOVE on them! Make sure you are the first to greet them and you are the first to love on them with the love that only Christ can bring!

Pastor Matt said at church this weekend that God told him to condense his message to just one point: God wants us to get on board with what He's doing. I firmly believe that. We are the Body of Christ. We all have a role to play. Seek God. Seek HIS will for your life - and then with His power, live it out. It wasn't a Great Suggestion, it was a great Commission (Matt 28).

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