Monday, August 30, 2010

The World Race

"The number one questions I get from the youth of American is, 'What is the will of God for my life?' And I say, it's not about that, it's about being the will of God to the world.'"
-Gary Black, The World Race

Ah, the Lord knows my heart when I see this! Maybe one day!

After reading all throughout the website yet again and watching a ton of videos, I feel that this opportunity would be better spent after college. I may change my mind about this opinion, but I just feel that it's somehow more final. I feel the World Race will help you find where you are to be in this world. I think it would help me more once I was out of college, because I have already been to a place where I have sought God's will for my life at the HA. So, if what I feel He wants me to do and the steps He wants me to take are what they are, then I think after college would be the right time to do it, if God calls me to it.

Man, I can't get over how backwards and upside down I'm doing things compared to everyone else. People that I graduated with are going to be juniors by the time I get back in there - granted, I'll have courses that I took at the HA so hopefully I'll only be one year behind them. ...But then again, who's to say that I have to follow the norm anyway? This life is His, after all. :)

I've been reading through Matthew...I love it! And I love the ESV Bible!

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