Monday, January 10, 2011

Time to stay changed.

I heard this song for the first time today. I really like it.

I've been battling lately with who I'm trying to be and who people want me to be. Galatians 1:10 has really been applying to my life. With most people I feel like I can be me, the one who is striving to be more like Christ and against becoming like the world. But with some people I feel like I'm always on my toes. I have been made to feel bad because I don't listen to this or don't want to watch that because it's the exact opposite of glorifying God...and that's what we're here to do, right? If I'm not becoming more like Christ, than what is my life worth? I came back with standards and I've seen them begin to fall away as I have been battling with what God wants and what people want.

I want to be someone that breathes Christ. I don't want to fall so slowly into the worlds ways that I don't even see it happening until everything turns to gray.

I've been finding that the more I let go, the more I become like myself. I think this year will be a year where I find out who I am and who I'm not. I pray that instead of it turning people away that they will be drawn to it. So, take my life, I lay it down. I want to seek You all of my days.

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