Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Process of Breaking Down the Wall

Concerning some of my posts like this one: don't take it for face value nor dismiss it as falsehood. I like to create moods using memories, thoughts, or ideas. So, you just don't know what's true to me and what's not. And that's cool.

Porcelain hearts & thick towers
Sometimes I think I have a porcelain heart guarded by the thickest tower. A witch didn't put it there, I did.

Has anyone ever looked at you & it feels that they can see right through you? It feels that in that moment they know you more intimately than anyone ever has? That they know the parts of your heart that you've felt, you've done your best, to keep secret? That you aren't so hard to read as you've thought? That vulnerability, no matter how hard you've run from it, is staring you straight in the face?

...yeah, me either.

We are closed people, afraid to get hurt, hiding our insecurities, fears, failures, & doubts in a masquerade...until someone breaks down the tower around our heart to see what's really
beneath...the beauty & the pain.


I read this in a book today and didn't want to make a new post...it fits, though:

Hunter looked out into the starry night. "We do not see things in this life as they really are--only as we believe they are. It is written in the Bible, we see through a glass darkly--but no glass is so dark, I think, as the looking glass in which we view ourselves."
"A looking glass cannot lie," Quaye said. "It is just polished glass."
"It is not the looking glass that lies. Nowhere does man err more greatly than when he looks to see the reality of who he is."
"And who are we?"
Hunter looked into her soft eyes. "We are worthy, Quaye. Worthy of life. Worthy of love (what my name means! haha). Worthy of kindness and gentleness. We are not some mistake of God or nature."

..."The greatest shackles we bear in this life are those forged by our own fears."

-The Looking Glass - Richard Paul Evans

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