Friday, October 28, 2011

Perfect in Design

I'm not sure I'm thrilled (Currently, the lies and facts I believe are at war with what God is doing in my heart.) but the Lord has been giving me such an appreciation for marriage and the journey that God intended it to be. It really is such a beautiful picture and adventure with God! Obviously, I read Captivating and Wild at Heart which probably played more than a role in these thoughts.

I've been finding it so mesmerizing when I think about how God wired men and women each and how perfectly the picture fits together, done right. Men ask, "Do I have what it takes?" If they try to find that answer in a girl they will never completely measure up. Men are meant to pursue and go on an adventure. But unless they go on an adventure and find their sense of strength with God first, they won't be able to pursue and lead a woman.

Women ask, "Am I lovely/worth it?" In the same way, if they look for the answer to that question in men they will never fully find it. A woman must find her identity and worth in God before she can ever be life-giving and secure with a man.

But done right, these questions answer each other once they've been answered in our Creator! Once we find our worth and strength in Christ it gives us freedom to answer each others questions. "Do I have what it takes?" is answered perfectly in the way a woman wants to be pursued and found lovely. "Am I lovely?" is answered magically in the way a man is designed to pursue! It is one of the most beautiful pictures of how God created us that I have ever seen!

And the wonderful part is that women not only want to be an adventure to capture but they want to go on the adventure, too, with their husband! We as women were created for adventure, too! A husband is shown as strength but a woman is his "help-meet" which actually means "lifesaver" in the Bible! I mean, what the crap, God is amazing in His designing! (Haha, this is why I don't think I could make a blog professional... :P)

I've been reading a blog about a couple and their kids who are now in Uganda in the process of adopting their new little Ugandan girl! :) After many bumps along the way, they had their court date with the judge today. The judge was Muslim and they are obviously a Christian couple so they were praying for favor in his sight. It came time to answer the judges questions. They had agreed that the husband would answer the questions if the judge had no preference, but instead the judge called the wife to answer the questions. Her husband, who was writing the blog, couldn't stop explaining how proud he was of his wife! She was strong, unwavering, and confident even when the judge asked what her husband did and she had to answer, "Evangelist: he tells people about Jesus." I couldn't help but cry as I was reading the post. Not only because of the Lord's outstanding faithfulness but also through the team that they were together through this new adventure in their lives. The Lord was doing a work so amazing in the adventure they were on!

Many girls plan and dream about their wedding day. I, myself, can start "oohing" and "awing" if I allow myself but that's not what I'm excited about. I'm excited about the adventure that comes after, the adventure of each new season, working alongside someone in what God is doing and has called you both to do. Until then, I'm excited about the adventure I get to go on with God! It's a beautiful thing, to be alive in Christ, to have your worth found in Him and to walk forward confidently in where He is leading you. He is faithful in all things.

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