Saturday, October 29, 2011

Who's in Control, Anyhow?

I'm coming to find that a loss of control is the most freeing thing in the world.

I have been falling so much further in love with God and His heart lately! I've really tried to take this month to soak myself in His Word instead of the opinions and views of everyone around me. (Twitter: 140 characters or less and you become a self-proclaimed expert. ;D) At the same time, Pastor Jimmy has been going through the entire Bible (in 7 weeks;) i think? But don't let that fool you - the messages are incredible) including a Sunday night class to answer questions anyone has on the content of the morning. Those two mixed together have been such a refreshment! I can't explain how many revelations I've had on God's heart and Israel and just the beauty of Romans 11 and us being grafted in & just so much! I'm sorry to anyone that I've talked to and whose ear had to listen to my rants! :)

There is so much freedom found when you find the heart of God! My joy has been restored to me! No, nothing circumstantial has changed, but the way I see things has and it's all because God is my focus. We ultimately see in part, but He sees the whole. So why would we expect to see color when we're focused on the gray? And honestly, you can tell if your relationship with God is suffering because every other area in your life starts to.

I also noticed that every time my focus goes back to God He reconfirms where He has me and what He has called me to! In my mess I can have so much doubt and confusion but when He gets the focus and glory once again everything becomes clear. He truly lights our path!

But God is funny in that He doesn't normally show us detail by detail of how that is going to play out. All He does is confirm in more and more beautiful ways everything He has been showing us along the way and challenges us to trust Him with everything. I find so much freedom in letting go. I guess it's the melancholy in me, but I would love nothing more than to know step by step what God would have me do so that I can follow it piece by piece, to the T. But as people have told me at different times in my life when I've needed to hear it, "Where would the fun in that be?! Where would the faith be?"

Sometimes I take myself too seriously. Sometimes God is trying to say, "Relax. Be faithful in every season I give you, but enjoy it! Looking to me will give you the perspective you need and my joy will carry you through every season! Lean not on your own understanding but in all your ways acknowledge & submit to me and I will make your paths straight! (Proverbs 3:5-6)" He really is wonderful and when we trust Him and let go of the "control" we feel we have on our lives He will take us on the most amazing adventure we could ever imagine!

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