Friday, November 16, 2012

Thank God for Sovereignty Part 2

Have you ever seen a very small child try to put a puzzle together?  Even the most simplest puzzle can seem difficult.  The child takes one puzzle piece and jams it into a spot trying to make it fit all the while a slight turn of the wrist could easily solve the problem.  Getting frustrated, they move on to try to fit it into another space that's even further from where the puzzle piece belongs.  They can't see the entire puzzle like we can.  Sometimes they just need to turn around and ask for a little help from their babysitter to start the puzzle off right.

I feel like that's how God and I are sometimes.  I'm either constantly trying to jam a puzzle piece into a spot that it most likely doesn't belong or I just need a perception shift to understand how He could be working and fitting the puzzle pieces together despite my attempts.

As I was falling off to sleep somehow I did the three years from now math in my head.  If I stay on the course, three years from now I'll be graduating from college.  In three years Urbana will be held again.  Maybe, just maybe I could go after graduating!  I feel like that would be the perfect time to go because it's right after getting a degree and right before having to pay off those student loans. ;)  So who knows what life will look like three years from now or if that is what God has for me.  I just sort of laughed and got a peace that once again God can see the bigger picture, the bigger puzzle and He continues to fit the puzzle pieces in so perfectly despite my worries and confused-melancholy mind! :P  Truly, thank God for sovereignty!

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