Saturday, September 6, 2008

woah, buddy

"Instead you're so busy seeking everyone's approval, you don't realize you already have his"...
"It is your security in that love that will change you, not your struggle to try and earn it."

-So You Don't Want To Go To Church Anymore - 'Jake Colsen' (Wayne Jacobsen & Dave Coleman)

I'm done getting in this motion of thought where I know what God wants me to do but then this little voice comes into my head that says, "yeah, and then this perons will think this and you'll be accepted by this person, or what if this person thinks this? That might offend this person." I'm tired of that so I'm not going to live in that anymore.

"Accountability is not for those that struggle, Jake, it's for those who succeed."
"But aren't we accountalbe to each other?"
"Where did you get that idea?"
"It's in the Bible, isn't it?"
"Can you show me where?"
...couldn't find one in the Bible, even looked at the concordance but saw that those passages referred to our giving account to God, not to each other.
"All the accountability in Scripture is linked to God, not to other brothers and sisters. When we hold each other accountalbe we are really unsurping God's place. It's why we end up hurting each other so deeply."
"We're not changed by the promises we make to God, but by the promises He makes to us."

-So You Don't Want to go to Church Anymore

If we hold each other accountable so much and vise versa, we put ourselves in the place of God and the people that are holding us accountable in the same place. He wants to fix our problems, He doesn't want our friends to try in their best attempt to do it. And while we are putting those problems on our friends, they are sitting there with their own problems to deal with. I have come to think that some accountability is ok, the kind that asks "Are you turning to God in your problems?" "Are you reading the Word?" "What are you reading?" Because those are healthy questions that direct you straight back to God. The problem arrives when you don't go straight to God first. You go to what your friend thinks instead of the only One who can really change you.

The other problem with holding each other accountable so much is the fact that we don't like our faults exposed. So when all that we have to hold us accountable is a person then it ends up being so easy to leave things out. And most of the time people won't push so the whole accountability is at a fault already because you don't want to be THAT honest. And once you feel like you can't be that honest with a person, then you start to think of God as someone you could never go to because if you can't tell a friend your problems then you surely are not good enough to show God your problems. You forget the love that He gave you, regardless of what you have ever done or will ever do, on that cross. So you put him as this guy who sits and just keeps score, tallying up all the wrong you have done. So when you think about all the wrong you've done, you can't go to Him with it. And that's when we start to slide, a lot, and we come crashing down feeling horrible about ourselves because we just are not good enough. So we get back up, but it's only to strive one more time to be good enough. We don't get up because of the fact that God loves us and that He is the one that brought us back up, and that just being His, is enough.

And ID even know if that made a whole lot of sense, but it's like I was talking to me the whole time.

Hebrews 4:13
Nothing in all Creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give an account.


Amanda said...

I'm sorry for pushing so much. I feel terrible.

Kristina Weeks said...

i love love love that book.

and i totally agree with your thing about how we don't feel the need to be "totally honest" with someone because we simple don't have to, since they're a person and we can hold back whatever we like.... that was good.


Power Up Love said...

I invite you to visit a community of real people sharing real stories about how Love has really impacted and changed their lives.

Figueras Life said...

in spanish, or at least mike & i, don't really use the word "accountability". i think it's necessary to be honest & real, at all times. see, since we're already naked & raw in front of our Maker, because He sees our spirit & knows our true intentions, it doesn't really matter how many masks or disguises we wear in front of those around us.

it is necessary to have someone, a couple or a few friends around you that will keep you, if you will, "real". i can only speak from my experience.

it's probably easier for me because i'm married to that person & that's why it works for me. i can be completely honest & open w/mike b/c i know he knows me best after God. then, i've got the next best thing in an accountability crew, my sons. Yup, my kids. i've given them the freedom to tell me when i'm not behaving or acting as i should, because i do it w/them. it's difficult sometimes to let go of my ego, my "self", my pride, especially in front of my own children, b/c after all, i'm an adult & society, both secular & christian, dictates that we don't go to our kids.

it's not to be misinterpreted as going to my kids for everything... there are some subjects that they may not be able to deal with, yet @ the same time, they're growing so much, that maybe they even are. all i know is that my kids keep me real on being honest in my life, in my walk, in my spirit.

i totally understand what you're saying. God should always be our first refuge & source, yet He's made us as part of a body, a body that without all its parts in communication w/one another will not function the way it was designed to. catch my drift?
our response should always try to be aligned with God's word; what would God say? do we always have the answer? NO, but He does. is it confusing? Absolutely. does it get easier if it's practiced? Yes, it does.

i'm so glad that my sons are surrounded by friends like all of you (commenters included :-) ) that ask these hard questions, that want & seek the answers. don't ever stop, b/c you can teach us adult-know-it-alls a few things :-P


Kristina Weeks said...

i work until close tomorrow :/

you know what it's about, in a way... we discussed it over my birthday.