Monday, October 25, 2010


So, when I talk to people about going to Thailand, a lot of their first reactions are, "Well, what about here? There are tons of things you can do here, tons of people you can minister to, street kids, homeless, etc." My dad even says that. I would say to him, "Yes, but some people are called here and some people are called overseas." But I could never fully explain that to people and I had an unsettlement as to why. I knew in my heart that their intentions were true and there was truth in their words but there was something missing from the picture.

Tonight I had a break-through. What if when someone feels led to go to missions, the reaction isn't, "well what about here?" What if "here" was the default?!?! I mean, for goodness sakes, we were born here! What if we're the default for the broken in the U.S?!?! If you're not called overseas, you are called to pray, give, send, etc those that are AND disciple the people here!

I mean, let's think about this! We are called to be the Church. We don't just invite people to Church in hopes that they become saved, if we ARE the Church then why aren't we BEING the Church? We all say this, but where is the discipleship taking place? With our friends and family, the ultimate can't be inviting them to church, the ultimate should be, you, yourself discipling them. And how can you disciple if you have not been discipled?

What I mean is that there is so much more to this Christian faith, so much more than this American dream mushed into a Christian life. Please stop telling me about how there is such a great need here, I am well aware of that! (This is not spoken out of annoyance in the LEAST but of new-found understandment and urgency.) But do not be blind to the need going on in the world around us. And when the need is so great and God calls, you can't ignore. Instead ask, "where am I called?" And NOT EVEN "where am I called", but what IS Your mission? And how am I being apart of it? And when you ask, what is Your mission, don't ask 'what is my church's mission' but 'what is HIS mission?' Because a Church building is just a place to come together, it is not the mission. His will to others is the mission. We are the Church. We bring Christ to the people around us. And what if others don't come to Christ because our life is no different than theirs? And we are only accountable for us so it's important we don't hide behind things that say Jesus or that we find our identity in APART from Christ. That is crucial. HE is the mission.

That's why I love the BODY of Christ so much! I simply love that! Nothing more, nothing less! The PEOPLE, the people that are loving Christ, growing in Him, and surrendering their life for His name! I don't give a crap what church you go to, that's not the point, I care if you're being the church! I care if you know what that means, I care that you're growing in HIM, not things that look like Him or have the cover of Him, but growing in HIM.

And as I take all of that in, I feel like it's what He's convicting me to do more. Be discipled, disciple others, and preach the Gospel where ever I go. No, it doesn't mean that I'll stand on top of a table everywhere I go, but going with the intention of Christ in every situation. I'm a naturally reserved person and so I'm not one to always know what to say when I meet new people or other things that naturally bubbly people can do. But I'm praying that He grows me more in that because what's the point if I have all this inside of me and can't give it out to others that need it?

All these thoughts are starting to come together for me and I feel like it's a wonderful piece of the puzzle that He has been waiting to give to me. It's like there is a puzzle I'm trying to solve and there are pieces missing and little by little He gives them to me and I'm able to piece them together bit by bit. And this is just a bit of the puzzle of my life. Yes, I feel like my passport will come in handy a time or two, but I also feel like I have such a heart for the Church of America and seeing it come back to what Jesus originally intended for His Church. I'm just waiting for a few more puzzle pieces to be uncovered!

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