Monday, November 15, 2010

Friendship part 3

I've been realizing how much of a wide variety of friends I truly have! I absolutely love it!! I have friends that love screamo, I have friends that love rap. I have friends with tattoos; I have friends that I could never see getting them. I have friends that are every single different personality and look, outgoing to quiet, straight hair to curly, pale skin to dark. I have friends that live on the west coast to the east coast and everywhere in between. I have friends that have all different sorts of likes and dislikes...and I LOVE IT!

More and more, my prayer is that I would learn to love strangers, family, friends, everyone. I pray that I mesh well with all different types of people because for the rest of your life you're going to be surrounded by people that are different than you. It just makes life more exciting! A friend said how she loved how I fit so well with different people. I was surprised because it's something I feel like I struggle with. Because I don't have the personality to be the center of the party and know exactly what to say with new people I've learned to just observe my surroundings, the people, it all. Then I sort of jump in. I just go with the flow, I guess.

This past weekend I was challenged to love people more through the message I listened to. I want to know everyone's love languages and work at being better at all of them. My top is quality time...I've been taking the test a bunch recently and I keep getting somewhat different answers. And I think it will change somewhat too when I'm married because I'm taking it thinking about friends and family. Regardless, quality time is ALWAYS first. I'm always so chill with just being with people. I think the reason why I love having conversations with people is because I love spending time with them! But I want to learn to love with all of the languages.

I just love the body of Christ and how diverse we all are. There is no picture perfect Christian, just people that are at different places in their walk, all striving to be more like Christ and say no to the things of this world. No better family to be apart of! :)

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