Sunday, December 12, 2010

When the gift and the life collide.

The gift God gives musicians is the ability to produce music, and do it well.

Obviously we can agree on this. This, in itself, is a way to produce the Gospel for others to see. I am realizing that the gifts He has given us are for purpose that overflows from our lives. Yes, elementary but bare with me, it's a complete revelation for me. I have always felt like when I write it's a cop-out so I won't have to explain myself in other ways. That fear has crept into me feeling like I shouldn't pursue it in the future...along with the fear that I won't do well or am not good, but that's a whole other topic! ;) So much so, that I have stopped writing at ever whim. I have punished myself because I am not "this way" with others and so therefore I don't have any right to write things because I haven't mastered communication in every form there is.

But I am realizing that I simply am not an outspoken, bubbly person and that is OK. Yes, there are pieces I can work on such as not mistaking humility with unworthiness and walking out in the confidence of Christ, always being ready to give an account for the reason I believe. These are things I can work on but it most definitely shouldn't hinder me from moving forward in what I love and what He has given me in this season.

Think about it in this way: fans come to a concert to hear the musicians do what they does best: make music. The musicians can't touch/speak into/love all of the people that come to their concert but they can do what they are gifted with and God can work in that way. Like Lecrae for instance: he is completely legit. His lyrics are all about Christ and that's what he does well. But here's the part that really hits home. He offers to stay after everyone else has gone home and speak to anyone that has questions. This is where the two collide. The gifting and the living. He raps best, but through Christ and the Holy Spirit he also disciples.

In the same way, thousands may read a writer's writings and encounter God because of it. A writer can't meet all of those that reads his/her's writings but he/she has given his/her gift as an offering that God waters. But say the writer meets one of those readers...she will be ready to give an account for who he/she lives for. The same goes for a pastor or speaker. They speak in front of hundreds or thousands about Christ and His goodness. It is crucial that they are the same through and through when they talk with someone one on one. Their gifting and living are one.

I believe your gift becomes a ruby instead of a covering when you walk in the Holy Spirit. It's as simple as that. Your gift isn't yours. Your life is an offering so it is in our constant need for Him that we truly live. He is our strong tower, He is the one that will supply our words, water our relationships, and lead us as we walk day by day. The complete surrender of our heart, mind, and life is what is needed to be all that God wants us to be. He will make us transparent and the truth will begin to seep out into everything around us.

A tweet really struck me tonight because it's been on my mind too..."I don't remember Jesus ever inviting someone to church so they would get saved. Your life, actions, and light are the best testimony." (via Joe Roy). While pastors use their gifting to tell others about God, it is not what Jesus has called us to do. It's not the mission. We must live. This is not to say that someone's heart can't be radically changed by listening to someone do what they are gifted in doing: speak, just like any other gift. But it gives we as Christians a slap with reality. We are in relationship with Christ not just for a ticket to Heaven, but so we can be in relation with GOD. And He has called us to go out and make disciples of all nations. He has called us to grow up in our faith and pour into others.

This is where our gift and life meet. He has gifted us to do what He has called us to do: make disciple of all nations. This is where walking in the Holy Spirit comes in. This is where it all meets back up. This is where we find our purpose, this is where we grow deeper in Christ, this is where we get revelations and revival takes place around us. It is when He is all we seek and He is our daily portion that we truly see His Plan and our part in it.

Take the world, but give me Jesus. Let He be all I have to give.

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