Sunday, January 15, 2012

Dear Believers Everywhere

When did Worship (in the form of music, specifically) become about us?
Oh, ok, just checking.


I like a good beat.
And hey, it'd be nice to know the songs being sung at services and conferences.

So, of course, I completely respect and secretly wish to be like those that understand music and chords and rifts and harmonies and everything about drums, guitars, basses, keyboards, saxophones, the triangle, and vocals (and if those vocals are good or not AND, we can't forget, how hot those guy vocalists are (cough, excuse me, I mean: How amazingly creative God was in creating those single men of God ;)):P).
And I'm all for doing things in excellence, for sure.

I just remember being in a Church in Texas.
The teaching was amazing...the worship? Well...
There was an old man on the guitar.
An older man singing vocals
Two older women on back up vocals
And I'm pretty sure there was a tambourine that was hit a few times.

It was nothing amazing. The vocals weren't the best.
I wasn't familiar with the songs.
I'm not even sure the guy with the tambourine knew what he was doing.

But I found it to be beautiful.
I was struck with the realization that it wasn't about me.
And I worshiped God with everything that morning.

I'm not saying one way of worship is better than the other. I'm just saying that worship, in music and in everyday life, is not about us. It is glorifying God and singing praise to His name.
In a group of super talented musicians, in a group that could use some work, or in your room singing so loudly and horribly your own dog leaves the room, (of course that hasn't happened to me... :D) it's all beautiful because it's all about Him.


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