Thursday, May 16, 2013

Summer-Fun Lists

Well, summer break is here.  And that's supposed to mean awesome fun-filled days soaking up the sun with friends, right?  Well, not quite.  I've noticed that summer break in college seems a lot different than summer free-for-all days in high school.  For instance, the day after my last class?  I started working.  I don't mind working at all; I actually realized it's pretty easy to keep me content.  However, my problem is that I did school online and now I work from home.  I have a feeling that if I'm not proactive I will drive myself crazy and/or to tears weekly with cabin fever.  So here are a list of things I'd like to do/accomplish this summer.

1.  Get the car at least once a week!  I'm saving up for a car so for now, we're sharing the van.  Because I did school, and now work, from home it is rare that I ever get my hands on the keys.  But I've found even if I can just take it for a drive to clear my mind or listen to some tunes I feel content (and maybe stop for Starbucks on the way ;)).  It really is a matter of sanity, people.

2.  Build/maintain good friendships. Something I also noticed with getting older: everyone has crazy busy schedules and so finding friend time can be hard.  So while they may be few and far between, here's to having great fun times! :)

3.  Read some good books! If anyone has suggestions, shoot!

4.  Learn how to wear heels. Haha.

5.  Leave work at work.  Well, as much as you can working from home.  I just don't want the stress from last summer to repeat itself.  

6. Don't neglect the moments where you take time for you, whether that's applying lotion (it must be a girl thing because it's incredibly therapeutic and you get to smell awesome! :)) or painting your nails or messing with make-up.  It's fun and it nourishes your heart in some weird way.

7.  Nourishing my soul and heart through Jesus-time.  Sometimes when I'm stressed or lonely, it's truly because I haven't been spending time in His presence.  Sometimes I forget fullness of joy is found there.  As Ann Voskamp calls it, amnesia of the soul.

8.  Do something really exciting! I don't know what and I hope it's cheap because I'm trying to save this summer but something! ;)

9.  Bonfires and parties with friends.  I just need it. I need people. And s'mores of course.

10.  Don't dwell on things I can't control or fix.  I can only pray instead of racking my confused brain.

11.  Blow bubbles and feel like a kid again.  Also, I want to wear a lot of summer dresses.  Use up my Crabtree gift-card with summer clothes I desperately need.

12.  Write.  I need some kind of creative outlet.

13.  Give but do so with discernment.  Lots of my friends are raising money for things and I need to figure out how to do that without giving away all my savings (haha, I'm not good at that saving thing.).  It is more blessed to give than receive but I do need to be wise and somewhat practical about it (Unless it's an obedience thing).

14. Look into internships/volunteer positions for the future.  Maybe visit DC and see what they have!

I guess I'll add more when I think of things but this is a good start. I need things to keep me sane this summer.  Ha!  So here's to working and saving with splashes of fun along the way!

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